Why Work With An Attorney After A Car Or Truck Accident?
Many people feel that after an accident, there’s really nothing else to do besides taking the insurance company’s meager offer for compensation. And here is where the difference is: An “accident” is something that is really no one’s fault. A crash happens because someone was negligent.
At Christopher & Taylor, we understand when, how and how much compensation to pursue. With decades of combined personal injury experience, we have our finger on the pulse of compensation.
Common Actions That Are Negligent On The Road
All drivers, no matter what their vehicle, have a responsibility to pay attention while driving. A driver pays attention with their eyes, with their ears and with their mind. If a driver is on the phone – even if they are using a hands-free device – their mind may not be on the road. Here are the most common things that drivers do that cause accidents:
- Distracted driving; the driver is texting, changing the radio, watching a video, eating
- Speeding; going too fast means a driver can’t stop in time
- Blowing through stop signs: going through red lights and yield signs, motorcyclists are especially vulnerable at intersections
- Tailgating; not allowing enough space between vehicles
- Driving too fast for the weather; during rain, ice or snow, drivers need to take into consideration the road conditions and visibility
- Drunk, drugged or drowsy driving; drivers who are in no shape to drive get behind the wheel and cause major damage and injuries
Truck accidents that involve commercial vehicles or “big rigs,” such as semis or 18-wheelers are different. Truckers and the companies they work for are held to different standards. The truck company will do whatever it can to deny liability and minimize a lawsuit. This includes making repairs post-crash or destroying valuable evidence that incriminates their practices or their driver. Many truck accidents cause serious injury to the other driver, including, unfortunately, the death of the driver or passenger, which can result in a wrongful death case.
Get The Information You Need To Move Your Case Forward
Do you have a case? Do you need an attorney? How can an attorney help? Get these and other questions you have answered in a free consultation. Call 317-635-9000 and set up a meeting with us, attorneys Hilary Barnes and Rod Taylor in Indianapolis. We help injured car and truck crash victims throughout Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. Call or connect with our online contact form.