Helping Our Indiana Small-Business Community Succeed
When starting a business, you want to start with a solid legal structure. As your business gets going, you want to have solid contracts and understand both the potential risks and opportunities you have. We can help.
Set up a free consultation with us in our Indianapolis office. Speak with attorneys Hilary Barnes and Rod Taylor. We can help you start out strong and stay that way as your business gets off the ground and grows. Call 317-635-9000.
The Exact Help You Need When You Need It
As a small business, we understand your need to attain accurate information in a timely manner and at an accessible rate. The two most common questions business owners ask are:
- Is it a wise investment to seek out legal guidance as I begin my business? The answer is yes. Ensuring that you are starting with the correct entity will prevent significant organizational, legal liability, tax and expansion issues later on. Understanding which entity to use (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, S Corp or C Corp) and why that choice is the right one is a wise investment for today, tomorrow and the years to come.
- How can working with an attorney protect and grow my business? We can educate you as to your potential risks and opportunities. We can also create workplace conduct expectations and policies for partners and employees.
Working with an attorney will provide you with the legal information, support, and guidance you need for a solid foundation and smooth day-to-day operations.
Small Business Transactional And Dispute Resolution
An attorney can be crucial to spot and avoid potential disputes. An attorney can also come in and work to resolve a dispute efficiently. We can help with:
- Business set-ups
- Succession plans
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Estate planning for business owners
Our mission is to provide you with the information that protects you and your investors. The result is a legal environment and paradigm that allows your business to grow and thrive.
Talk With Us About Your Small Business Needs
Get your legal business-related questions answered. We offer a free initial consultation so that you can better understand the scope of your business’s legal needs. Consult with our team: Rod Taylor and Hilary Barnes. Call 317-635-9000 and set up a time to get together. In Indianapolis, we offer guidance and counsel to small businesses throughout Indiana. You can also connect via our website contact form.