Some car crashes are truly unavoidable. They might occur due to sudden infrastructure failure, such as sinkholes, or inclement weather that affects vehicles in a way that drivers cannot predict. The vast majority of collisions, however, are the result of choices made at the wheel or negligence on the part of individual motorists. Major car crashes are also a leading cause of death for people of all ages.
Many people unknowingly put themselves and others at risk of a tragic situation because they make questionable choices while driving. The three practices below have a strong association with increased crash risk.
Exceeding the speed limit
Speed limits exist for public safety. The idea is to restrict the rate of traffic based on the type of infrastructure nearby. Speed limits are lower in residential neighborhoods and sometimes nearly three times higher on interstates. Speeding makes it easier for drivers to lose control of their vehicles. It also increases how long it takes them to come to a complete stop. Excessive speed has a strong association with fatal crashes, including pedestrian crashes.
Driving while tired
Most people know they shouldn’t drive after drinking or consuming prescription medication. It is illegal to do so, and there have been years of public awareness campaigns seeking to educate people about how dangerous such practices can be. Unfortunately, there is no law against fatigued or drowsy driving. Such statutes would be all but impossible to enforce. That being said, there is plenty of evidence that shows that those who have gone numerous hours without sleep can be as dangerous as those who are under the influence of alcohol.
Ignoring turn signals
Another common decision drivers make is to merge and turn without indicating their intentions. People can easily fall into the habit of not communicating with others in traffic. They could then cause completely preventable collisions. Those who don’t use their turn signals are at risk of getting hit by others who don’t know what they intend to do in traffic. They may end up blamed for the crash because the failure to indicate their intentions is what led to another driver proceeding through the intersection and hitting them.
Motorists who focus on safety can reduce their risk of causing a car crash. They can also identify when someone else is likely to blame for a wreck and seek compensation from the party responsible for a collision that occurs despite their own best efforts.